You are currently viewing Accommodations feature: Guides with price examples in 8 countries and 63 destinations

Once you’ve reached any destination, accommodation is one of the biggest travel expenses. To help you choose the right countries to visit and to help you plan your budget, we’re sharing detailed guides for specific countries, with many concrete examples of accommodation prices. These 8 guides are designed to give you an overview of the cost of lodging. 

Here are all the parts of the feature so far, but we’ll be adding some regularly.

(For now, our guides are very focused on affordable countries because choosing them is the easiest way for you to travel for less!)


Southeast Asia (3 countries)

We have 3 guides covering 21 destinations in Southeast Asia.


Malaysia 🇲🇾


Indonesia 🇮🇩


Cambodia 🇰🇭


West Asia/Middle East (2 countries)

We have 2 guides covering 22 destinations in West Asia.


Türkiye 🇹🇷


Georgia 🇬🇪


Eastern and Central Europe (1 country)

We have 1 guide covering 7 destinations in Eastern and Central Europe.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦


South America (1 country)

We have 1 guide covering 7 destinations in South America.


Colombia 🇨🇴


Africa (1 country)

We have 1 guide covering 6 destinations in Africa.


Egypt 🇪🇬


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This feature helps you choose the right destinations and plan your trip budgets, as accommodation is often the biggest expense once you reach your destination.


What would you like to know about this feature on accommodation examples? Tell us in the comments below.


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Featured image: Tbilisi, Georgia (photo credit: Neil Sengupta)

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Andrew D'Amours

Andrew is the co-founder of Flytrippers. He is passionate about traveling the world but also, as a former management consultant, about the travel industry itself. He shares his experiences to help you save money on travel. As a very cost-conscious traveler, he loves finding deals and getting free travel thanks to travel rewards points... to help him visit every country in the world (current count: 71/193 Countries, 47/50 US States & 9/10 Canadian Provinces).

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