You are currently viewing Travel deals for Travel Tuesday 2024
  • Post category:Travel tips

The travel deals on Travel Tuesday 2024, the “Black Friday of travel”, aren’t necessarily extraordinary. But it’s obviously worth at least comparing prices on the trips you need to book (as you should do regularly, it’s the basics of the basics). I’ve listed a few of the more interesting ones, but of course there are plenty more.

Following the post in a well-known newspaper where I was interviewed on the subject, I explained the basics of Travel Tuesday.

Here’s a list as promised.


Flight deals

Here are a few deals (in addition to all those on our Flytrippers deals page just like every day):


Hotel deals 

Here are a few deals:


Learning how to travel for less

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It’s Travel Tuesday, and you can find deals on flights and hotels. They’re not amazing deals, but if you had to book anyway, it’s still worth a look!


What would you like to know about travel deals for Travel Tuesday 2024? Tell us in the comments below.


See the flight deals we spot: Cheap flights

Discover free travel with rewards: Travel rewards

Explore awesome destinations: Travel inspiration

Learn pro tricks: Travel tips


Featured image: Florianópolis, Brazil (photo credit: Gabriel Rodrigues)

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Andrew D'Amours

Andrew is the co-founder of Flytrippers. He is passionate about traveling the world but also, as a former management consultant, about the travel industry itself. He shares his experiences to help you save money on travel. As a very cost-conscious traveler, he loves finding deals and getting free travel thanks to travel rewards points... to help him visit every country in the world (current count: 71/193 Countries, 47/50 US States & 9/10 Canadian Provinces).

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