Do you feel an irresistible urge to travel to make up for the time lost during the pandemic? A kind of frenzy that makes you want to spend more on travel than on anything else? You’re really not the only one feeling like this.
What you’re feeling is part of a phenomenon called revenge travel.
Let me explain what it is so that you can better understand it.
The origin of revenge travel
The “revenge travel” term was born in the spring of 2020 when Americans started to travel again after a few months of forced pause.
(Yes — Spring 2020. While they didn’t get everything right with the pandemic, at least they understood that crossing imaginary lines is not magically riskier. With 99% of cases in Canada being from community transmission after the first 2 months and not travel — according to the Public Health Agency of Canada — we can say that what our government was doing was irrational travel shaming: it was never based on science. It’s never been popular to say so, but Flytrippers always says it how it is!)
The Europeans followed the Americans not too long after; they were traveling in huge numbers by the summer.
(There were a lot of them with us when we went to Greece in August 2020 — that was a great trip that was infinitely better than staying in Canada, and it was even less risky for us AND for others since the infection rates were lower there AND since we quarantined afterward; that’s the real science!)
Now that restrictions are almost completely eliminated in Canada (for vaccinated travelers, at least), Canadians are now finally getting on board with revenge travel too in much larger numbers!
(Over 2 million passengers boarded a plane in Canada in the last 17 days alone… and with the summer season upon us, there’s going to be an insane outburst soon! We’ll have pro tips on avoiding the government-caused chaos in airports soon!)
Better late than never, as they say.
Look, we’re well aware that many were waiting for the pre-entry test to be lifted before traveling, to remove the very real risk of being stuck somewhere else.
Now that it’s been done for about 2 months now and 149 countries are open test-free. There really aren’t many good reasons left not to travel if you like to travel!
The meaning of “revenge travel”
The origin of this term, “revenge travel,” comes from the fact that it’s so frustrating to have had to cancel so many great trips because of the pandemic at first (and because of the extreme government response to the pandemic later on for us Canadians).
So those who love traveling now want to “get even.” Get their revenge.
They want to travel more than ever. They don’t want to take the joy of travel for granted anymore. They want to make sure they don’t get screwed over again, and they want to see as many new places as possible.
They want to stop spending their limited money on useless junk and use it for more travel experiences instead.
They want to stop spending their limited time off to vacation in artificial resorts and use it to travel more authentically instead.
They realized how much they missed traveling, and they want to make sure they do more of it.
In short, that’s what revenge travel is all about.
Traveling more. And traveling better.
But mostly traveling more often.
And to travel more, you have to travel for less. And that happens to be our expertise at Flytrippers! And it’s REALLY easy when you know how to do it.
Don’t miss our downright invaluable content coming soon to help you! Our free guide on the 5 best ways to travel for less will save you literally tens of thousands of dollars!
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After over 2 years of canceled plans and lost time, travelers are more eager than ever to get back to exploring the world and “get revenge,” while doing so more authentically and more often. This is what the revenge travel phenomenon is all about.
What would you like to know about starting to travel again? Tell us in the comments below.
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Featured image: Philippines (photo credit: Allen Daryl Zamora)
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