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Flytrippers’ algorithm searches hundreds of thousands of flight options every day, to find you the day’s best cheap deals for your travels. Every day, you can see the discounted plane tickets from your city right here, so come often to get the lowest price!

How flight deals work
These are deals, so there are a few important things you need to understand (slide to read the details)
We only spot deals
To get a heavily discounted flight (often 50% off), you need to be flexible and fly on the dates that are on sale
Deals change every day
The dates and destinations that are on sale change every single day, so check back often
All deals expire quickly
These prices are so good that they are usually gone in a matter of hours, not days... so act fast!
Roundtrip prices
These deals are always for roundtrips, prices include all mandatory taxes and are quoted in
Easy-to-use links
We don't sell flights so we provide convenient links to the best online booking sites (thanks for using our links)
ULCC & LD tags
Ultra Low-Cost Carrier deals with bag restrictions and deals with very Limited Dates are clearly marked
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Check out our page that explains how flight deals work
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Best travel card deal

The best card from our ranking right now



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Best travel card deal

The best card from our ranking right now


≈ $750

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TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card (excl. QC) TD First Class Travel® Visa Infinite* Card  $1025
Platinum Card from American Express Platinum Card® from American Express ≈ $652
American Express Cobalt Card American Express Cobalt® Card ≈ $744
TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite Card TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card ≈ $641
American Express Gold Rewards Card American Express® Gold Rewards Card ≈ $930

Our readers earned more than 2 million dollars worth of free travel with our tips!

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About Flytrippers

Our mission is simple: help & inspire you to travel more for less.

We are Andrew and Kevin, two friends who both wanted to travel more (without breaking the bank). So we learned to spot flight deals, we learned Travel Hacking… and also many other tips along the way. Now we’re sharing them, so you too can explore the world more often.

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What our readers say

Thanks to you, we got a crazy deal (France for $300 roundtrip) and had a great family trip. I read all your articles! I can't wait to plan our next trip thanks to all your tips.... thank you so much !!!

Erianne (rated us 5-stars on FB)

Thank you for sharing all of these amazing deals on plane tickets. And thank you for sharing your travel tips that are drawn from your own experiences. Keep up the good work Flytrippers!

Annie (rated us 5-stars on FB)

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